It's fair to say that Kane Lukassen is a man who loves the active lifestyle. He competes in ultramarathons, and recently completed the Chester Ultra and Pennine Barrier Ultra, to count just two. Here, he tells us about his experience with his Spikeology acupressure mat.
So, tell us about yourself!
I'm a 33-year-old male who works in operations in a digital agency. My main exercise is running and predominantly train for 50 mile distances. However, I do cross-train with weights, elliptical, walking, and road cycling a couple of days a week. I aim to fit in at least 10 hours of exercise per week.
Why were you interested in the Spikeology mat?
I am always interested in products that aid in recovery as there never seems to be enough times in the day to recover. I tend to do a lot of sitting at work for long hours, I was looking for something that both aided in recovery and relaxation.
What were your first impressions?OUCH!!! Hahaha, not really, when first testing the mat with my hand I thought it may hurt a little bit. However, once I lowered on to it (slowly) with my back and settled in it was quite soothing.
Describe your first session.For my first session, I trialled it on my back and shoulders for 10 minutes. Initially, I felt the spike and pressure, and once settled into it, found it was extremely relaxing and didn’t want to get up. Following the session, my back felt relieved of some tension and quite relaxed after it.
What routine do you have for using it now?When my schedule allows I will use the Spikeology mat for 10 minutes every morning laying on my back. For the 10 minutes, I listen to the Headspace app with a guided meditation.
What are the main benefits that you’ve personally experienced with the Spikeology mat?A significant notice in tension release and relaxation.
Who would you recommend the Spikeology mat for?Everyone and anyone who can find 5-10 minutes a day to enhance their relaxation. It's a fantastic relaxation and recovery tool.
Image credit: @kane_lukassen